The Rotary Club of Honolulu Sunrise believes in making a difference in our communities.   
How do we leverage our networks, skills, and resources to improving our world and community?   
How do we create a culture of personal ethics, friendship, leadership, giving, fun, business, and a focus on service above self
We welcome you to learn, grow, lead, and find new significance and belonging along with a strong dose of fun.
Rotarians are People of Action.  
STEP 1)    Click this video and Learn more about what Rotarians do in their communities.
STEP 2)    Contact our club and visit one of our meetings. 
STEP 3)    Become a Rotary Superhero   
Home Page Stories
HUI MAHI'AI 'ĀINA - is leading the way in solving Hawaiʻi's homeless problem.  Sunrise Rotarians volunteered to help paint kauhales and provide services to help the community grow.  The important highlight of this project was that residents of the community worked along side with our Rotarians building relationships and getting things done!  
Kaimuki - Sometimes Rotary is just about getting together for lunch.  This time it was to try out Kaimuki Superette - 3458 Waialae Avenue  It's the best way to get together with other members and get to know them.  Its also a great way to get out to try new eateries and menus!
Ala Wai -   In a 2-part event, Honolulu Sunrise Rotarians joined other Rotarians and volunteers making Genki Balls, and throwing them into the Ala Wai.  These super balls made with EM-1 are known to provide a biological cleansing to polluted water via very special probiotics that eat pathogens and create an amazing balance to an ecosystem.  Project volunteer kudos to Tyler Furukawa & Karyn Lee.
March 2022
Honolulu - Honolulu Sunrise Rotarians assisted with mock interviews at McKinely High School - Our members from vocations of engineering and banking participated in connecting with students to help them prepare for future job interviews.  
Eric Schiff (left) w/ sponsor Joe Ferraro (right) Honolulu - Sponsored by our Membership Chair, Joe Ferraro,  Eric took the oath of a new Rotarian - supporting our broad vision of Promoting Peace, Fighting Disease, Providing Clean Water, Sanitation & Hygiene, Saving Mothers & Children, Supporting Education, Growing Local Economies, and Protecting the Environment.
Welcome Eric, and we look forward to having you as a member!  
29NOV Honolulu  - Our club had a LIVE meeting at the PACIFIC CLUB.  Mieko Suzuki, a close friend of our club from Japan, sent fans just to remind us that we still have great friends there!  It's been so long not seeing them!  Thank you Mieko-san!    Mieko shares a first-hand account of her experience from the Fukushima Earthquake and Tsunami.  You can read it here in her book - The Light
Honolulu - Rotary Interact Club of Roosevelt High School completed hand-made cards (40 of them)  for our First Responder workers at the COVID Unit of Queens Medical Center.  Thank you Interactors for your help to say thank you to our super-human healthcare heroes!.  Honolulu Sunrise supplied some chocolates to go with these amazing cards.    They are taking such great care of our families!
Heeia, Oahu - The Roosevelt High School Interact Club - chaperoned by Honolulu Sunrise's Ryan Char worked on an incredible service project:  cleaning the fishpond of invasives!  Volunteering for this project helps restore our traditional Hawaiian fishponds as a model for other fishponds as well as rebuilding our lost Hawaiian cultural practices of keeping and maintaining these valuable assets to our island's sustainability and food security.  Thank you Roosevelt Interact Club and Honolulu Sunrise's Youth Service Committee!  
April 3, 2021  
Breakfast after a healthy bike ride.  It's not only a fun, healthy experience... but it also is a recon mission to find more places to clean up!  go Sunrise Bikers!
The Sunrise Graffiti Busters went out to defend a bus stop and an overpass.  If you haven't read the Stanford study about "Broken window theory"... you'll find out why Graffiti Busting is soooo important!  Thank you superheroes!
Cleanup at Bellows!   20 February 2021.   In concert with the Rotary Club of Metropolitan Honolulu, our Sunrisers showed up as a joint club project to storm Bellows Beach.   The beaches were quiet, but our Rotarians are still hard at work!   
Honolulu - In a strong move for Rotary HonSun, Dave Mozdren stepped up in July 2020 to captain the club as it makes its way through COVID.  The year 2020 has not been easy, but new creative ways of meeting have happened.  And it is even attracting new members!    
This year's highlights include the Honolulu mayor's race, and we invited both candidates Amemiya and Blangiardi to speak at our meetings.
This is Dave Mozdren's 2nd Presidency as the veteran officer, board member, and District 5000 Chair of  the Rotary Foundation Committee makes moves to steer our club through these very change-driven times.  Thanks, Dave for being our courageous leader!
President Linda Santos opens the new Rotary year 2019-2020 with a throw of the new year's banner themed:  
Linda Santos rolls out the new year!
The new year marks some very exciting happenings including:
Sunrise's own District Governor Eric Kaler taking the District 5000 (State of Hawaii) for 2019-2020.  Eric's platform this year is connecting our world: In particular - Hawaii with Bali.  A big push going on right now to participate in a service project in Bali.  More info here.
from left:  Mark Maloney, RI President,  Eric Kaler, District 5000 (Hawaii) Governor, and Gay Maloney, ESQ.  Rotarian and Mark's wife.
A visit from Rotary International President Mark Maloney as he prepares Honolulu to receive the Rotary world at the Rotary International Convention right here in Honolulu in June of 2020.
Inspiration:  Wendy Goodenow delivers Kent Keith's writings on "Anyway".  A must read for servant leadership, and just doing good in the world.


"People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.

If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.

The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.

The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.

People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
Fight for a few underdogs anyway.

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.

People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.

Give the world the best you have and you’ll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway."

Dr. Kent Keith    -




MOA Hawaii   Executive Director    Norman Oshiro   provides a map to an alternative road to the one of pills, meds, and Iatrogenic complications.   It is a road less traveled  - -  with amazing results.    The organization provides wellness solutions from diet, exercise, and most importantly a philosophy of thinking that leads us outside the world of pharmaceuticals and its influence on medicine.  A fascinating audio.  Listen in!      


Hale Takazawa shares a story:  A Rotary club decides to recruit retirees - a change of direction from trying to recruit young Rotarians...why?  To build a wisdom network.  Younger people who are wisdom seekers will be the ones to join that Rotary Club!  Not because the club seeks them - but because they  are attracted to the wisdom of retirees (a sea of knowledge and professional expertise).
Howard J. Wolff  visits as the first of our new Gameplan Series - Formerly the Chief Marketing Officer of Wimberly Allison Tong and Goo (WATG), Howard is now an independent consultant - sharing his business building magic with businesses all over the world.  Howard's talk is about lessons in Marketing using the metaphor of photography.  What amazing stories and bits of wisdom.   Thank you Howard, for launching the HonSun Gameplan Series.
Coach Rich Whipple shares a challenge:  To look back at the people who inspire us to be superhuman.  Remember those who had a key influence in our lives...  And then get in touch with them.  Reach out to them, say hello.  Thank them, and check up on them!  Don't let life go by without contacting these very important people in your lives.
Dawn has a great idea of collecting Rotarian Magazines, and leaving them in offices, salons, and other places where we go each day.  A brilliant idea to spread the brand of Rotary.
Harrison Rue  - City and County of Honolulu - Community Building and TOD (Transit Oriented Design) Administrator  came to speak with us about what the city is doing with rail, Biki Bikes, and many other services coming to our city that will truly make it more liveable.  The vision he paints for us is like having a brand-new city!  So much of the city will be accessible by rail, walking, and biking!  It's going to change our city so significantly that we will have whole new neighborhoods to discover, work and play in.  What an exciting future we have in store!   Thanks Mr. Rue for your tireless contribution to our city!   
President Ryan had a lot to share while kicking off some of the goals of his presidential year.   Our Committee chairs got to share some of their ideas and goals for the coming year.  Good news was shared with record grant money coming in from Rotary International...meaning that we need to work hard to find some really great projects to spend it on!  
Rotary District 5000 (Hawaii) Governor, Win Schoneman arrives to share the vision for year 2018-19.  Win shared his Rotary story of his travels to Romania, where he experienced a Rotary experience that transformed him from a member about to quit to a super-hero Rotarian.   It's a story we can all relate to, and it provides a new perspective on solving new world issues.  Bringing it back home to Hawaii, Win is focused on building vibrant clubs, building membership within our clubs using entrepreneurial and creative ideas, as well as taking on the specter of trafficking in our islands.  It's a long tough road, but Hawaii is ground zero as an international node of trafficking, and it's high time we did something about it!  Thank you Governor Win for inspiring us!     
Kara Kusunoki visits with us.  The new Director of Read To Me International is transforming the organization into a 21st century powerhouse where it can reach people to show them the skills and importance of reading aloud.  
Mike Doss shares an inspiration about his father's firm wisdom of discipline tempered with patience and love.  He understood the power of corporal punishment can be forgotten, but a story lasts a lifetime....particularly an embarrassing one!
Governor Abercrombie SPEAKS!  
Voters have displayed dismay and disgust with the political process of electing our politicians.  Voter turnout dwindling with no end in sight!  Governor Abercrombie graces the Sunrise Rotarians with a solution that could turn it around.  A Constitutional Amendment!  Wow!  The discussion kept members way past our meeting finish as Rotarians really listened and heard the message of diversifying government.  Thank you Gov. Abercrombie!  
Rob Hail shares about death as one of the most important teachers of life.  He talks about what steve Jobs said how thinking that you will die, makes you remember that you actually have something to lose... namely time.  Every moment is just so, so precious. 
"The connections we make in the course of a life--maybe that's what heaven is.."  -Fred Rogers (Mister Roger's neighborhood)
I feel monotony and death to be almost the same thing."
  "What we have done for ourselves dies with us, what we have done for others and the world is and remains immortal."   - Albert Pike
Former member Sean Tadaki, President of EO Hawaii shared his experiences about building a business in Hawaii, and how EO (the Entrepreneurs Organization) Hawaii changed his life... and business!  His Commercial real estate brokerage has grown into a powerhouse in Hawaii - Of which he gives credit to a sub-group of EO members who gather each month to share their best and worst of life - each helps the other shoulder the pain, and celebrate the victories. 
The interesting thing about this group is that they give no advice... They are only allowed to share experiences.  These real-life stories are shared and communicated to help build business, and to teach and steer EO cohorts from repeating the same mistakes.   Wow, what a great system we all could use in speaking with our teams and families.  Thanks Sean for visiting and sharing your story with us!
Jan Taketa inspires us with reminding us about the idea of "kokua".  Kokua shows at the Kahauiki project.  Kokua for Senator John McCain.  Kokua in Jan's neighborhood as they prepped neighbors for hurricane Lane.  Kokua at RYSE who took in an extra 20 kids before the storm hit.  The kids were sleeping in bushes.    Kokua is what superheroes do.
Does surfing actually help?  Connie Sizemore from Surfrider Spirit Sessions showed us how surf lessons save people's lives.  It brings people from the brink of suicide.  Removes the binds of autism.  It teaches resilience, and the habit to get back up after a wipeout.....Grit.         All prerequisites necessary for superhero training.   Thanks for sharing with us, Connie!
Wendy inspires us all as she shares a personal story of her first son leaving for college, going from birth to starting college, and dealing with feelings of excitement, pride, and an empty nest.  It's more than an accomplishment.  It is the birth of a new superhero.
C-SPAN  is on a 50-state tour.  They brought their amazing technicolor dream bus to the Pacific Club just so we could tour it!  Wow!  Did you know that C-SPAN can be used as a resource to search and download testimony of nearly everything that goes on in Congress?  The entire thing - not clipped and edited... but the real, complete footage of every long-winded speech ever made by every elected official and some self-proclaimed ones too.  And you can even get transcripts as well!  Special thanks to Jenae Green and Shannon Augustus from C-SPAN!
Ichi Sekimitsu gives an inspiration:  Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are POWERFUL beyond measure.  It is our light, not our darkness that scares us most.  
Make manifest the glory of God that is within us.   When we are liberated from our own fear...  Our presence automatically liberates others.
Do not be afraid to let your light shine....   
Ichi reminds us to send in our Bio's so that we can share our talents.
Gregg Stueber  spoke with us about his long career with the Honolulu Fire Department Search and Rescue team.  He has many stories of rescue, and well as recovery.  Yes - that's right...  humans caught in bad situations.
He speaks about environmental and situational awareness...  Something many of us don't have... particularly when travelling away from our home.  
There will be more to come from this amazing Superhero - who we look forward to having Gregg someday teach us how to read nature so that she helps us instead of harms us.  
Our good friends from the Atago Rotary in Tokyo joined us with their group of Blind Students from the city of Sendai.  We just came off a weekend of camping.  Can you imagine blind students learning to make leis, dancing the hula, and going body-boarding at Bellows!?  Believe it!  It happened, and these guys are nothing short of miraculous.  Serious super-heroes in our midst today.
Dawn gives a great pitch for our email signatures and letting people know you're a Rotarian!
Ichi makes a solid pitch to fill in our survey forms so we can share our talents.
Kirk Hovious - a one-man inspirational team who is the tip of the Rotary spear in working on the Kahauiki Project.   Kirk came to speak with us about the project.  How it started, and how it continues with the project getting ready for Phase II.
Club Information

Service Above Self

We meet In Person & Online
Mondays at 7:15 AM
The Pacific Club and Zoom
1451 Queen Emma Street
Honolulu, HI 96813
United States of America
Pls email us for the latest time & location
February 2025
Club Executives & Directors